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Help Center  >  Shopify Related  >  Triggering Shopify Native Shipping Notifications

Step 1. Go to  (App) Settings -> Integrate with Shopify > enable "Update shipping status to Shopify"

You need to allow us to update the shipment status to Shopify, which is necessary for Shopify Shipping Notifications. 



Step 2. Enable "Out for delivery" and "Delivered" Notifications under TRIGGER NATIVE SHIPPING NOTIFICATIONS


Step 3. Click on the hyperlinked text "Shopify Settings - Notification" to enable the same. You'll be redirected to open Shopify settings Notification > Customer Notification > Scroll down until "Shipping updated" > Enable the two email notifications by Shopify: Out for delivery & Delivered.



Do I need to enable both TrackingMore and Shopify notification emails?

No, you can though. But with both these two features enabled at the same time, your customers will receive double emails of out for delivery and delivered status separately.


How do I know if TrackingMore successfully updates Shopify Orders status?

When an order status from TrackingMore matches the one in Shopify Orders.


What if TrackingMore successfully updates Shopify Order status yet Shopify does not send the email?

You may need to contact Shopify support to find out why. We are only responsible for updating the shipping status, which should automatically trigger a Shopify Shipping Notification.

Last update: 2024-07-05 20:04:10

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